
Absolute Beginner – 8 Week Plan


Isabella McGuire Mayes • 8 Weeks

  • Introduction
  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5
  • Week 6
  • Week 7
  • Week 8

Welcome to The 8 week Absolute Beginner Plan!


Welcome To The  Absolute Beginner Plan.

This course is going to set your ballet trianing off right. In this 8 week course we will be focusing on the barre. Learning the steps and exercises  in order as they appear leading you to complete a whole barre. We will learn how to execute each step and movement with precision, with Isabella’s expert cues and corrections. 

The barre is where all the foundations of your ballet movements will be laid.

So often classes are rushed, foundations are missed, we skip major details and then we wonder why we are struggling?

This course will set your journey off the right way as well as fill in any gaps if you feel you’re missing guidance, corrections and knowledge with your training. 

 The course is just 5-20 minutes a day.

Perfect to fit into your daily routine for consistent learning and progress.

I am so excited for you to join us!

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Plan breakdown.

Take a look at the plan breakdown below and get started today!

Week 1 Classes


Welcome to The 8 week Absolute Beginner Course! An introduction with Isabella. in this course you will learn Isabella’s expert cues and corrections to lay your foundations in ballet tie right way.

Week 1 – Day 1 Posture & How To Stand

Welcome to your first lesson. Ballet creates beautiful lines and strength of the body. You can always spot a ballerina as they walk down the street. Poise and elegance you carry wherever you go. In our first lesson, We will be learning posture, muscular activation of the body, introduction to turnout connection and how to stand at the barre.

Week 1 – Day 2 Turnout Sensation & Plié

Plié and turnout. Turnout in ballet is of the upmost importance. Regardless of how much range you may have. It takes time to train and improve. We will discuss the sensations of turnout and how to find it. Plié which means to bend. Every ballet class starts with plié and is a fundamental movement to ballet. Establishing how to do a Demi plié ( half bend ) well will be a first step to laying good foundations.

Week 1 – Day 3 How to Tendu. Direction of Legs.

Tendu, The second foundational movement in ballet. Tendu and plié are the basis of every movement. Tendu means to stretch. Keeping alignment of the hips, knees stretched and supporting muscles engaged is critical. Along with this, we will focus on the basic directions of the legs. Front, side, back and the journey to them. We are also starting to learn and understand the basic ballet positions.

Week 1 – Day 4 Feet Activation & Articulation

All about the feet! In ballet use of feet is like a pianists hands. They need to be strong, flexible and articulate. For beginners, especially as adult students, this can be one of the hardest things to train. Along with this we will learn seconde position with the feet, demi plié in seconde and transferring from first to seconde. We will start with a few seated exercises so grab a chair and let’s get started.

Week 1 – Day 5 Shoulder Placement & Cambré Back

The final lesson week one. Let’s establish how to cambré back ( back bend ). Ballet is all about isolation and control of the body. When we are first learning, it is very easy to make mistakes such as bending too much from the lower back. Here we will learn how to keep alignment of the shoulders and back bend from the upper back only.

Week 2 Classes

Week 2 – Day 1 Arm Positions & Port De Bras

Arm Positions! Port de bras which literally translates as “carriage of the arms” is both the technique of arm positions and movements but also becomes a way to express ourselves, show clarity of line, express mood and coordinate with difficult steps when more advanced. In this lesson we will learn the 3 basic arm positions and how to go from one position to another. Quality of arm positions and movements are of the upmost importance. They can transform how a dancer looks so it’s important we train this well.

Week 2 – Day 2 How to Jeté. Throw The Leg.

Jeté. Now we have learned plié and tendu, we will progress on with Jeté which means to throw. It is a much more dynamic movement which is critical to help us jump with dynamic later. Let’s learn how to execute a dynamic jeté in each direction.

Week 2 – Day 3 Jeté & Transference of Weight.

Well done! Now you’ve learned Jeté. Today we will implement transference of weight going from one leg to another without losing form, technique or placement which is easier said than done. The most common thing that’s lost is turnout. Let’s dive in.

Week 2 – Day 4 Rond De Jambe Par Terre

The next exercise at the barre is Rond de jambe Par Terre which literally translates as circle of the leg on the floor. An amazing movement for training turnout and postural awareness. Isolation of movement is absolutely key here. You will find, as you get more and more connected with your muscles, posture and turnout, these ‘simple” looking movements will suddenly become harder as your connection to them will be greater.

Week 2 – Day 5 Fifth Position of the Feet.

Fifth position of the feet. We will learn fourth in a separate lesson because it’s slightly more complex than fifth and requires more muscle awareness of the hips. Fifth position is where nearly every exercise and step starts from. A tricky position to train but a critical one to work on and perfect. If we have an improper fifth, the steps and movements following will likely be affected also.

Week 3 Classes

Week 3 – Day 1 Cou de Pied & Transitions

Cou de Pied. Neck of the foot ( your ankle ) is a key position of the foot both in shape of foot and location. It will link into a lot of movements following it which is why precision is key. We will be learning Cou de Pied, Devant and Derrière ( front and back) Covering not only how to get into the pose itself but how to go from one pose to the other. Maintaining beautiful shape of foot is key.

Week 3 – Day 2 Introduction to Fondu

Now we have established cou de pied, we will go into the next exercise at the barre which is fondu. Fondu means melting or sinking down. This describes not only the meaning but also the quality of the movement, melting down on one leg while we peel the other foot to cou de pied. In this lesson we will work on the simple coordination of peeling the foot off whilst we plié on one leg.

Week 3 – Day 3 Fondu to Extended Positions

In this Lesson we will cover doing a fondu to an extended pose, devant ( front), derrière (back). and a la seconde (side). This movement is so strengthening for the body, turnout and a big test of coordination. This movement will take time to perfect. I want you to pay heavy focus to your hips, keeping them aligned and turned out. Pay special awareness to your supporting leg, keep it tall, avoiding twisting the pelvis. Let’s Fondu!

Week 3 – Day 4 Relevé Lent. Lifting the leg higher.

In this lesson we really start to challenge strength and flexibility with an adagio ( slow ) movement called Relevé lent ( rising up slowly) as well as grands plié in first and seconde. Relevé Lent despite the name we use this for lifting the leg straight up in each position slowly and holding at the top. Maintenance of placement of hips, shoulders, strength in supporting knee, maintaining straight lines are key with a beautifully straight back.

Week 3 – Day 5 Find Your Retiré

Retiré is the position we develop the leg from for higher extentions as well as the position we most notably turn from in pirouettes ( but that’s later!) Here we will learn how to lift the leg to the knee with correct muscle usage and positioning. This can very easily be out of alignment. Despite the knee being lifted, we have to initiate from other areas to avoid hitching the hip and losing placement.

Week 4 Classes

Week 4 – Day 1 Développé Side. Adage Movement.

Développé. A smooth gradual unfolding/ developing of the leg to an extended pose passing through the retiré position we previously learned. In this lesson we will just be focusing on développé side. It is one of the hardest positions to achieve in order to keep placed and rotated which is why we have given it its own lesson.

Week 4 – Day 2 Développé Continued. Front & Back

Now we have established a développé to the side, let’s learn how to do a developpé front and back. The développé back will lead to the iconic ballerina pose of arabesque. A movement we work on for our entire careers. Let’s get started!

Week 4 – Day 3 Grand Battement. Dynamic & Strong

Introduction to Grand Battement. A very dynamic movement where we keep both legs straight and kick one leg out and in with control and dynamic. We do this in all positions front, back and side. As side is the most difficult for the hips we will focus on front and back.

Week 4 – Day 4 Let’s Stretch.

Now we have gone through most of the barre exercises that happen in a ballet class we will use this lesson to teach you how to stretch and lengthen on the barre. Stretching is so important in ballet. Strength without flexibility is useless therefor as a ballet dancer we must look after our body and stretch regularly. The barre is a great place to stretch daily. Definitely check out the stretch classes in the online studio for targeted stretches. You will need a barre and a towel or stretch band for this lesson.

Week 4 – Day 5 Very Beginner Barre. Practice Time.

Congratulations on completing one month! In this lesson we will give you a chance to try a BWI very beginner barre. This class is designed for beginners. We have covered all the steps in the course so far. This should give you a sense of a doing an actual ballet class with the knowledge we have so far. Be super proud of how far you have come at this point in time. Ballet is hard and requires a lot of focus and consistency. You’re doing super well and I am excited for the next month with you.

Week 5 Classes

Week 5 – Day 1 Frappé. How to wrap the foot

Frappé means to strike! You can imagine what kind of movement that would be. Strong and dynamic. Before we get into that, we are going to learn how to wrap the foot Sur le cou de pied. This means “on the neck of the foot” which is the ankle. In the Vaganova school we are nearly always in a wrapped position when doing frappé front or side. In this case we are wrapped as we learn petit battement. This means “little beat”. This requires training a wrapped shape of foot and good isolation of the lower leg.

Week 5 – Day 2 Single Frappé and Accent!

In this lesson we will be learning Single frappé. Striking the air and returning back to our turned out position. This is a hard movement as it requires strong action, whilst keeping everything still and returning back to a turned out pose and keeping the beautiful shape of foot.

Week 5 – Day 3 Find your balance on Demi Pointe!

In this class we will learn where to place our weight when balancing. What muscles to engage and how to find our “centre” which in ballet is a term we use for finding our axis and centre of gravity. Step towards getting on balance for pirouettes one day.

Week 5 – Day 4 Plié Relevé in Parallel & First

Now we have found where to be on demi pointe. We will work on plié relevé. This literally means to bend, to rise. When we do a plié relevé. This needs to have a stronger action to it, pulling up the knees quickly, pushing from the heels, and with a sensation of lift under the glutes and in the core. A movement that has to be done right.

Week 5 – Day 5 Plié Relevé in Fifth Position

This has its own lesson as it’s much more complex. It requires much greater awareness of the turnout as well as how to come down in fifth position properly without losing turnout or position of the feet. Let’s get started.

Week 5 – Day 6 Bonus Lesson. Find balance on one leg.

In this lesson, we will do some really useful balance and proprioception work. This shows you just how much you rely on site to balance, bringing more awareness to the body. Along with this, we will be finding balance on one leg, sharing all that this requires to execute well.

Week 6 Classes

Week 6 – Day 1 One hand on the Barre. How to stand

Exciting times! Now we get very serious and stand with one single hand at the barre. It’s very important we know how to stand at the barre correctly as it impacts the whole shape of the body and torso. Like a building standing tall, One thing out of alignment makes the whole structure collapse.

Week 6 – Day 2 Use of Head & Allongé

The head in ballet is so important. Especially in the Vaganova school, use of head and arms is absolutely key. In this lesson, we will learn how to stand with the head at the barre along with a very critical arm movement that links movements together as well as finishes combinations. Allongé. This means to elongate. A very expressive and meaningful movement in ballet.

Week 6 – Day 3 Preparing for a combination.

In this lesson we will see how we use the head in relation to the legs by doing a simple tendu exercise. Every exercise in ballet starts with a preparation. Depending on the mood, it can be done slow and adagio like, or with more accent and assertion. However, the pattern of the preparation is nearly always the same. Let’s learn!

Week 6 – Day 4 Port de Bras at the Barre

In this lesson we will be learning basic port de bras forwards, back and side. We touched on this earlier in the course with two hands on the barre. Now we are practicing one handed and larger bends of the body. This requires more awareness of the body, legs, shoulders, core, and alignment. Key to building strength, coordination and isolation.

Week 6 – Day 5 Tye together with a Plié Exercise/

This is exciting and should really give you a sense of movement now. There are so many rules in ballet but in this lesson we will put together a lot of what you have learned into a simple Plié combination executing first and seconde position of the legs. This is how we start every ballet class. With Plié.

Week 7 Classes

Week 7 – Day 1 Standing in fifth. One hand.

In this lesson, we will be challenging you by standing in fifth with one hand on the barre. We have learned where the head and arm should be, now we will do a tendu combination from fifth position. We will teach you to understand the complexity of fifth and what needs to be thought about for lasting excellent technique.

Week 7 – Day 2 Let’s turn to the otherside!

Turning to the otherside at the barre is harder than it looks. This happens usually when we do one side after the other. A good lesson of how to transfer weight and hold the body tight, whilst maintaining form. It must be done elegantly, maintaining turnout and be almost unnoticeable that we are changing feet. Let’s get started.

Week 7 – Day 3 Fourth Position. Establish & Execute

Now we are finally ready to tackle fourth position. The hardest position to find and feel for execution and control of hips, inner thigh wrap, posture, pelvic alignment and turnout. A challenging position but one which is key to many movements in ballet. Fourth is often used as preparation for pirouettes further down the line so correct connection to the fourth is super important.

Week 7 – Day 4 Relevé Lent. One Hand On The Barre

You may remember we did Relevé Lent earlier in the course. Now with the challenge of just one hand one the barre. With this exercise. I stress for you to be aware of what happens to the inside leg and shoulder. Are you twisting? Sitting back in the leg? The key with ballet is isolation and control. Let’s practice.

Week 7 – Day 5 Plié Retiré + Passé. Pirouette Position

While we aren’t ready to start turning. We are ready to find the position we turn in. Retiré is a fixed pose while Passé is a moving position. Think of it like “passing”. The foot passes over the knee. While these movements are used in pirouette, they are used for many things, linking steps together. Let’s find these poses and learn what goes into executing them..

Week 8 Classes

Week 8 – Day 1 Last Week! Time for Ballet Class

You made it to the final week! In this week we will work on a few exercises at the barre in each lesson with one hand. We will go in order of how the ballet class usually goes. We will start with Plié, tendu and jeté. With the knowledge you have gained over the last 2 months, you should have many rules and corrections going through your head as you execute. Feel free to repeat and try again if you want more practice.

Week 8 – Day 2 Roads de Jambe, Fondu, Frappé.

We continue our barre with the next exercises that follow what we did yesterday. Roads de jambe par Terre meaning circle of the leg on the floor, Fondu, melting or sinking movement requiring lots of coordination and Frappé, a completely different mood and dynamic requiring precise placement of the feet and legs. Try to dance with these moods in mind.

Week 8 – Day 3 Adage & Grand Battement

We complete our single handed Barre with Adage and Grand Battement. Two exercises again which are completely contrasting in mood and style. Adage we will practice Developpé, coming through the Retiré positions. Grand Battement, we will practice dynamically lifting the leg while keeping form. Be wary of your placement and squareness of hips throughout. Fully stretch the knees in extended positions. Let’s go!

Week 8 – Day 4 Port de Bras in the centre

Step away from the barre! you did it. You completed an entire ballet barre with me. Let’s step into the centre and practice our carriage of arms, Using our head and upper body to express while we sustain beautiful shape of the arms.

Week 8 – Day 5 Reverence Like A Ballerina

Wow, I am so proud of you! Now we bow and reverence as we would in the Vaganova school every single day both at the beginning and end of class. As you learn these steps, I want you to be proud of how far you have come and what you have learned. This is just the beginning. Congratulations

Meet your teacher.


Isabella is the first and youngest British graduate to join the Vaganova Ballet Academy. Starting there at just 15 years old, she worked to become top of the school. Isabella was a Soloist with Mikhailovsky and Eifman Ballet before returning to London and discovering her passion for teaching. Isabella founded BWI as a way for dancers globally, of all levels, to get detailed Vaganova training and conditioning they desire in order to take their ballet to new heights.

What you’ll learn.
  • Learn the very basics of ballet with no prior experience
  • Learn how to stand, hold correct posture and placement
  • Learn how to use the head, place and shape the arms
  • Learn the basic feel and arm  positions of ballet
  • Learn how to stand with one hand on the barre
  • Progress to learning a whole barre by the end of the 8 weeks

Each tier has something very special to offer. Let’s dive in and see which plan will suit your needs best taking your ballet to the next level!

Hundreds of hours of guided ballet classes, workouts and flexibility training. Guaranteed to get the results you desire behind the scenes.

Watch anytime and anywhere.
£30 / Month

  • Access to Online Studio Classes
  • Access to Online Studio Plans & Courses
  • Live Weekly Online Classes
  • Direct communication with Isabella and the Principal team to discuss goals
  • New personalised plan every 8 weeks
  • Personalised video where the BWI team walks you through your plan
Most popular!
Dive deep into our signature courses. Learn how to achieve better pirouettes, higher arabesque, stronger pointe work, beginners basics and much more!

Expect a greater understanding, detailed lessons and big progress.
£50 / Month

  • Access to Online Studio Classes
  • Access to Online Studio Plans & Courses
  • Live Weekly Online Classes
  • Direct communication with Isabella and the Principal team to discuss goals
  • New personalised plan every 8 weeks
  • Personalised video where the BWI team walks you through your plan
Principal -16 Spaces Available!
Tired of wondering what class to do? Need structure in your routine?

Structured plans made just for you by Isabella along with direct communication with her.

Isabella will help you reach your desired goals. This gets results.

If no spots, contact us to be put on the waitlist.
£75 / Month

  • Access to Online Studio Classes
  • Access to Online Studio Plans & Courses
  • Live Weekly Online Classes
  • Direct communication with Isabella and the Principal team to discuss goals
  • New personalised plan every 8 weeks
  • Personalised video where the BWI team walks you through your plan
Hundreds of hours of guided ballet classes, workouts and flexibility training. Guaranteed to get the results you desire behind the scenes. Watch anytime and anywhere.
£30 / Month

  • Access to Online Studio Classes
  • Access to Online Studio Plans & Courses
  • Live Weekly Online Classes
  • Direct communication with Isabella and the Principal team to discuss goals
  • New personalised plan every 8 weeks
  • Personalised video where the BWI team walks you through your plan
Most popular!
Dive deep into our signature courses. Learn how to achieve better pirouettes, higher arabesque, stronger pointe work, beginners basics and much more! Expect a greater understanding, detailed lessons and big progress.
£50 / Month

  • Access to Online Studio Classes
  • Access to Online Studio Plans & Courses
  • Live Weekly Online Classes
  • Direct communication with Isabella and the Principal team to discuss goals
  • New personalised plan every 8 weeks
  • Personalised video where the BWI team walks you through your plan
Tired of wondering what class to do? Need structure in your routine? Structured plans made just for you by Isabella along with direct communication with her. Isabella will help you reach your desired goals. This gets results. If no spots, contact us to be put on the waitlist.
£75 / Month

  • Access to Online Studio Classes
  • Access to Online Studio Plans & Courses
  • Live Weekly Online Classes
  • Direct communication with Isabella and the Principal team to discuss goals
  • New personalised plan every 8 weeks
  • Personalised video where the BWI team walks you through your plan
Related plans.

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Introduction with Isabella

5 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

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Hip & Knee Injury Prevention Course
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View course
Introduction with Isabella

5 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

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View course
Introduction with Isabella

5 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

Beginners Ballet Barre

3 hours

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14 Day Mat Madness Challenge

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View course
Introduction with Isabella

5 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

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View course
Introduction with Isabella

5 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

Beginners Ballet Barre

3 hours

Turns on Pointe Course
Turns on Pointe Course

Isabella • 2 Lessons

View course
Introduction with Isabella

5 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

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Isabella • 4 Lessons

View course
Introduction with Isabella

5 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

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View course
Introduction with Isabella

1 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

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View course
Introduction with Isabella

1 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

Beginners Ballet Barre

3 hours

Variations Course Part 3
Variations Course Part 3

Isabella • 3 Lessons

View course
Introduction with Isabella

1 minute

Fondu with Retiré Balance

7 minutes

The Basic Ballet Positions

9 minutes


7 minutes


8 minutes

Frappé with Petit Battement

7 minutes

Tendu from First

7 minutes

Grand Battement

4 minutes

Tendu from Fifth

7 minutes

Beginners Ballet Barre

3 hours

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View plan
Week 1

Yoga for Turnout, Arabesque, Hamstrings, upper back, spine mobility, core strength and breathe work meditation

Week 2

Yoga for Hamstrings, Balance, Supporting leg, Full Body Flow, Splits, Shoulder Release, and Colour meditation.

Better Turnout  Beginner Plan
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Isabella McGuire Mayes • 4 Weeks

View plan
Week 1

Hip Mobility and Stretch, Floor Barre 2.0, Turnout Stretches, Psoas work

Week 2

Turnout and Beats Conditioning, Stretch and imagery for turnout, Connect with the deep rotators, Psoas work

Week 3

Exercises for turnout, Floor Barre intermediate, Hip manifestation stretch, Psoas work

Week 4

Floor Barre with the Magic Circle, Strong Hips and Glutes, Turnout Stretches, Psoas work

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Isabella McGuire Mayes • 4 Weeks

View plan
Week 1

Floor Barre 2.0, Turnout and Beats, Hip mobility and stretch, Floor Barre core, Hip Manifestation Stretch, Psoas work

Week 2

Exercises for turnout, Floor Barre Intermediate, Strong Hips and Glutes, Turnout Stretches, Floor Barre for developpe. Psoas work

Week 3

Mat Madness Turnout, Floor barre with magic circle, Turnout stretching and imagery, Turnout stretches, Turnout and beats, Psoas Work

Week 4

Hip Mobility And Stretch, Connect with your turnout, Floor Barre 2.0, Strong Hips and Glutes, Hip Manifestation Stretch, Psoas Work.

Better Turnout  Intermediate Plan
Better Turnout Intermediate Plan

Isabella McGuire Mayes • 4 Weeks

View plan
Week 1

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Hip Stretches
Long Hamstring Stretches

Week 2

Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Back Stretches

Week 3

Full Body Stretch Class
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Hip Stretches

Week 4

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Back Stretches
Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches

Absolute Beginner – 8 Week Plan
Absolute Beginner – 8 Week Plan

Isabella McGuire Mayes • 8 Weeks

View plan
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
week 5
week 6
week 7
week 8
Get Flexible Beginner Plan
Get Flexible Beginner Plan

Isabella McGuire Mayes • 4 Weeks

View plan
Week 1

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Hip Stretches
Long Hamstring Stretches

Week 2

Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Back Stretches

Week 3

Full Body Stretch Class
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Hip Stretches

Week 4

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Back Stretches
Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches

Get Flexible Intermediate Plan
Get Flexible Intermediate Plan

Isabella McGuire Mayes • 4 Weeks

View plan
Week 1

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Hip Stretches
Long Hamstring Stretches

Week 2

Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Back Stretches

Week 3

Full Body Stretch Class
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Hip Stretches

Week 4

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Back Stretches
Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches

Get Flexible Advanced Plan
Get Flexible Advanced Plan

Isabella McGuire Mayes • 4 Weeks

View plan
Week 1

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Hip Stretches
Long Hamstring Stretches

Week 2

Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Back Stretches

Week 3

Full Body Stretch Class
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Hip Stretches

Week 4

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Back Stretches
Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches

Toned Ballerina Beginner Plan
Toned Ballerina Beginner Plan

Isabella McGuire Mayes • 4 Weeks

View plan
Week 1

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Hip Stretches
Long Hamstring Stretches

Week 2

Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Back Stretches

Week 3

Full Body Stretch Class
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Hip Stretches

Week 4

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Back Stretches
Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches

Toned Ballerina Advanced Plan
Toned Ballerina Advanced Plan

Isabella McGuire Mayes • 4 Weeks

View plan
Week 1

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Hip Stretches
Long Hamstring Stretches

Week 2

Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Back Stretches

Week 3

Full Body Stretch Class
Long Hamstring Stretches
Intermediate Hip Stretches

Week 4

Confidence Boosting Full Body Stretch
Intermediate Back Stretches
Positivity Stretch and Flow
Long Hamstring Stretches

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