
Strong Pointe Intermediate Plan


Isabella McGuire Mayes • 4 Weeks

  • Week 1
    • Build Strength of the feet, Barre drills establishing correct technique
  • Week 2
    • Building Foot Strength, Barre drills and challenging Centre work with a focus on stamina and many repetitions.
  • Week 3
    • Increased intensity of Barre Drills, Centre work and intrinsic foot work.
  • Week 4
    • Continuing from week three, we build the demanding drills, ending with the challenging Improver Centre with many repetitions.

The Strong Pointe Intermediate Plan

Welcome to The Strong Pointe Intermediate Plan:

The Intermediate level of the Strong Pointe Plan, we focus on building a strong foundation through targeted feet exercises to develop the intrinsic muscles of the feet. This includes simple but effective exercises that activate and strengthen the arches and toes, laying the groundwork for future pointe work.At the barre, you will learn basic drills that train the muscles of the lower legs, improving stability and preparing you for more advanced work. With this plan you’ll eliminate decision paralysis, ensuring a clear path toward your goals through consistent practice. Let’s get going and get strong on pointe.

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 Plan Breakdown:

Take a look at the plan breakdown below and get started today!

Week 1 Classes

Day 1 – Strong Intrinics

In this lesson, we will be releasing tension with myofascial massage and intrinsic feet exercises. The power of feet exercises added to your routine will unlock so much more than just strong feet. Your whole body will feel more connected.

Day 2 – Beginner Pointe Barre

In this lesson, we will be working the intrinsic muscles of the feet with strengthening, targeted exercises for strength of pointe work. Working the lower legs and stamina.

Day 3 – Stretch out the feet

In this lesson, we will stretch the feet and unlock some of the flexibility required for a beautiful pointe. Pointe work requires us to be right over the box of the shoe, enabling the whole end of the shoe to be on the floor. These stretches will help us get right over.

Day 4 – Barre Drills on Pointe

Now we will practice very basic pointe work at the barre doing barre drills. We will do a mixture of parrallel and turnout work on two feet to understand proper alignment technique, building those foundations.

Day 5 – Strong Drills at the Barre

This lesson from The Stronger Pointe Course will make the work slightly more challenging. It includes barre drills to condition the lower legs and feet. When doing these exercises, always lift out of the legs and core.

Day 6 -Strong Drills. One more time!

This lesson from The Stronger Pointe Course will make the work slightly more challenging. It includes barre drills to condition the lower legs and feet. When doing these exercises, always lift out of the legs and core.

Rest Day

Week 2 Classes

Day 1 – Intrinsic Feet Exercises

Let’s start the feet off right with these key intrinsic feet exercises. You can’t underestimate the power of these exercises for pointe work and overall technique. let’s dive in!

Day 2 – Demi Pointe Barre drills

Today we will be working on our demi pointe barre drills. Improving the alignment and stamina of our lower legs. Essential for building strength of pointe work.

Day 3 – Strengtheing Barre Drills

This lesson from The Stronger Pointe Course will make the work slightly more challenging. It includes barre drills to condition the lower legs and feet. When doing these exercises, always lift out of the legs and core.

Day 4 – Centre drills

Now we dive into the centre. These exercises are simple in theory but challenging to execute correctly. Here will understand how the body helps with the lightness in the legs. We will do many repetitions, working to fatigue building stamina of the muscles and strength.

Day 5 – Barre Drills on Pointe

Now we will practice very basic pointe work at the barre doing barre drills. We will do a mixture of parrallel and turnout work on two feet to understand proper alignment technique, building those foundations.

Day 6 – Barre Drills on Pointe

This lesson from The Stronger Pointe Course will make the work slightly more challenging. It includes barre drills to condition the lower legs and feet. When doing these exercises, always lift out of the legs and core.

Rest Day

Week 3 Classes

Day 1 – Intrinsic Foot Workout

In this lesson we will be doing a solid foot workout to train the toes, whole foot and ankle. A staple for all dancers to do for strong feet in preparation for pointe.

Day 2 – Beginner Pointe Barre

We return to our Beginner Pointe Barre, working on conditioning the lower legs, calf muscles, toes, and metatarsles. Think about lifting out of the legs, using the core to make the legs feel lighter and stronger.

Day 3 – Intermediate Pointe Barre

Today we will be upping the intensity with a similar class to the above but slightly more challenge involved with more repetitions. This class will include more work on one leg, which is a new level of strength to achieve

Day 4 – Working muscles to fatigue

Within this Advanced Pointe Course we will be tackling the barre drills. These are tough and will work you to fatigue. Don’t worry if you can’t get through all the repetitions initially. You will get there!

Day 5 – Pointe Barre Work

We will make the work slightly more challenging with this lesson from The Stronger Pointe Course. Barre drills to conditon the lower legs and feet. Always lift out of the legs and core when doing these exercises.

Day 6 – Time for some Centre

This is the most challenging day yet. There are a lot of repetitions which involve pushing stamina and strength of the legs. Really focus on the core and arms lifting out of the legs. If you aren’t ready for this, continue with day 5.

Rest Day

Week 4 Classes

Day 1 – Advanced Intrinsic Exercises

Within this Advanced Pointe Course we will be tackling the barre drills. These are tough and will work you to fatigue. Don’t worry if you can’t get through all the repetitions initially. You will get there!

Day 2 – Pointe Barre Drills

Now we slow things down a little to recover. We will practice very basic pointe work at the barre doing barre drills. We will do a mixture of parrallel and turnout work on two feet to understand proper alignment technique, building those foundations.

Day 3 – Intermediate Barre

Today we will be upping the intensity with a similar class to the above but slightly more challenge involved with more repetitions. This class will include more work on one leg, which is a new level of strength to achieve

Day 4 – Stamina Pointe Centre

Now we dive into the centre. These exercises are simple in theory but challenging to execute correctly. Here will understand how the body helps with the lightness in the legs. We will do many repetitions, working to fatigue building stamina of the muscles and strength.

Day 5 – Stamina Pointe Centre

We continue with the lesson above. Now we dive into the centre. These exercises are simple in theory but challenging to execute correctly. Here will understand how the body helps with the lightness in the legs. We will do many repetitions, working to fatigue building stamina of the muscles and strength.

Day 6 – Improver Centre

This is the last class of the plan. We get another go at this tough class. There are a lot of repetitions, which involve pushing the stamina and strength of the legs. Really focus on the core and arms lifting out of the legs. Last class. Well done on staying committed!

Rest Day
Meet your ballet teacher:

Founder: Isabella is the youngest and first British graduate to join the Vaganova ballet academy at 15 years old. Working to become top of the school. Isabella was a soloist with Mikhailovsky and Eifman ballet before returning to London and discovering her passion for teaching. Isabella founded BWI as a way for dancers globally of all levels to get the detailed vaganova training as well as conditioning they desire to take their ballet to new levels.

What You’ll Learn

Our Strong Pointe Intermediate Plan

  • Connect with the intrinsic muscles of the feet
  • Build Strength in the feet
  • Build Strength and Stamina in the legs
  • Learn accurate technique for pointe
  • Learn how to hold your core and upper body when in the centre

Each tier offers something very special. Let’s dive in and see which plan will best suit your needs and take your ballet to the next level.

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£30 / Month

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  • Direct communication with Isabella and the Principal team to discuss goals
  • New personalised plan every 8 weeks
  • Personalised video where the BWI team walks you through your plan
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  • New personalised plan every 8 weeks
  • Personalised video where the BWI team walks you through your plan
Hundreds of hours of guided ballet classes, workouts and flexibility training. Guaranteed to get the results you desire behind the scenes.Watch anytime and anywhere.
£30 / Month

  • Access to Online Studio Classes
  • Live BWI Classes & Recordings
  • Access to Online Studio Plans & Courses
  • Direct communication with Isabella and the Principal team to discuss goals
  • New personalised plan every 8 weeks
  • Personalised video where the BWI team walks you through your plan
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Week 1

Build Strength of the feet, Barre drills establishing correct technique

Week 2

Building Foot Strength, Barre drills and challenging Centre work with a focus on stamina and many repetitions.

Week 3

Increased intensity of barre drills and intrinsic foot work.

Week 4

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Week 1

Build Strength of the feet, Barre drills establishing correct technique

Week 2

Building Foot Strength, Barre drills and challenging Centre work with a focus on stamina and many repetitions.

Week 3

Increased intensity of barre drills and intrinsic foot work.

Week 4

Continuing from week three, we build the demanding drills

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Day 1

Legs Legs Legs

Day 2

Strength for développé

Day 3

Turnout that Booty

Day 4

Lower Legs of Steel

Day 5

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Day 6

Core Power

Day 7

Barre HIIT

Day 8

Stretch and Recover

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